News on migration and asylum from around the region - Nouvelles de la région sur les questions de migration et d'asile

Thursday, February 27, 2014

[Libya]: MaltaToday- Libya refuses to cooperate with refugee workers in EU-funded mission

Ali Zeidan and Enrico Letta

A German MP has revealed that the Libyan authorities are refusing to cooperate with Italian and German command centres at the borders of the North African countries, to prevent the abuse of asylum seekers crossing the Sahara desert.

Andrej Hunko, of the left-wing party Die Linke, said that Libyan "partners" to EUBAM-Libya - the EU border assistance mission - had refused to cooperate with the Italian Council for Refugees, according to an answer to his PQ by the Federal German government.
The EU-funded bilateral Sahara-Med Project was due for renewal in March 2013. The project included having the Italian Refugee Council to assume responsibility for particular aspects of refugee management, namely the reception of refugees and asylum issues, in the refugee camps around Tripoli.

"But Libyan counterparts have so far refused to cooperate with the CIR - the Italian Refugee Council - and this part of the project is not yet operational," the German government said.