News on migration and asylum from around the region - Nouvelles de la région sur les questions de migration et d'asile

Thursday, November 08, 2012

[UK] The Lincolnite - Lincoln prison could be turned into immigration centre

[Picture from the same article - copyright thelincolnite.co.uk, 01/11/2012]

01.11.2012. The Ministry of Justice is looking to restructure prisons across the UK, which could lead to Lincoln Prison being turned into an immigration centre. The category B prison houses around 740 adult male inmates, and Lincolnshire County Council fears the changes could lead to job losses and impact local inmates well-being.

Councillor Martin Hill, Leader of Lincolnshire County Council, said: “The prison has spent £26 million on improvements over the last three years. Given that investment it makes sense to continue using it as a prison. It wasn’t designed to be an immigration centre, and isn’t suited for that purpose".

“At the same time, there’s absolutely no need for a second immigration centre in the county [after Morton Hall, near Lincoln]. Lincolnshire’s immigrant population is small. This means people would be brought in from other parts of the country, most probably followed by their families. These families are likely to need a lot of support, putting further pressure on local services".