News on migration and asylum from around the region - Nouvelles de la région sur les questions de migration et d'asile

Wednesday, November 07, 2012

[Switzerland] GDP - Global Detention Project

11/2012. The Global Detention Project (GDP) is an inter-disciplinary research endeavour that investigates the role detention plays in states’ responses to global migration, with a special focus on the policies and physical infrastructures of detention. The project is based at the Graduate Institute’s Programme for the Study of Global Migration and receives financial support from Zennstrom Philanthropies and the Swiss Network for International Studies.

Migration-related detention is the practice of detainingtypically on administrative (as opposed to criminal) groundsasylum seekers and irregular immigrants until they can be deported, their identities established, or their claims adjudicated. Because many national legal systems do not have clear rules for administrative detention, migration detainees often face legal uncertainties, including lack of access to the outside world, limited possibilities of challenging detention through the courts, and/or absence of limitations on the duration of detention.

Find more info on GDP's website