10/2012. The CIE Research Project is part of the Human Rights and Migration Law Clinic, a clinical legal training program run by the International University College of Turin in cooperation with the Associazione Studi Giuridici sull’Immigrazione (ASGI) and the Faculties of Law of the University of Turin and the Eastern Piedmont University in Alessandria.
In order to evaluate the application of human rights law in Turin’s centre for identification and expulsion (Turin’s CIE), the CIE Research Project conducted first-hand interviews focusing on experiences of detention that occurred between January 2011 and June 2012 inside Turin’s CIE.
Betwixt and Between: Turin’s CIE documents individual and systemic human rights issues and barriers to access to justice that are faced by detainees, their families and people who have direct contact with the CIE in a professional or voluntary capacity.
Betwixt and Between: Turin’s CIE documents individual and systemic human rights issues and barriers to access to justice that are faced by detainees, their families and people who have direct contact with the CIE in a professional or voluntary capacity.
The study discovered a disturbing disconnect between the word of international, European and Italian law and the reality of judicial and legal processes surrounding the administrative detention of migrants. Moreover, the report provides a detailed analysis of the conditions of detention inside Turin’s CIE.
Download the report here