News on migration and asylum from around the region - Nouvelles de la région sur les questions de migration et d'asile

Friday, June 19, 2009

[EU] CEU: Presidency Conclusions 18/19 June 2009

IV. Illegal immigration

36. Recent events in Cyprus, Greece, Italy and Malta underline the urgency of strengthening efforts to prevent and combat illegal immigration in an efficient manner at the EU's Southern maritime borders and thus prevent future human tragedies. A determined European response based on firmness, solidarity and shared responsibility is essential, in line with the European Pact on Immigration and Asylum and the Global Approach to Migration. Their implementation must be stepped up, in particular as concerns cooperation with countries of origin and transit. All activities in the Western Mediterranean region and at the Eastern and South-Eastern borders need to continue.

37. In view of the present humanitarian emergency, concrete measures need to be quickly put in place and implemented. The European Council calls for the coordination of voluntary measures for internal reallocation of beneficiaries of international protection present in the Member States exposed to specific and disproportionate pressures and highly vulnerable persons. It welcomes the intention of the Commission to take initiatives in this respect, starting with a pilot project for Malta. It urges the Council and the European Parliament to reach agreement allowing for the rapid establishment of the European Asylum Support Office. The European Council also underlines a need for strengthened border control operations coordinated by FRONTEX, clear rules of engagement for joint patrolling and the disembarkation of rescued persons, and increased use of joint return flights. In this context it calls for strong action to fight effectively against organised crime and criminal networks involved in trafficking of human beings.

38. The European Council underlines the need for a significant strengthening of the cooperation with the main countries of origin and transit. It invites the Commission to explore concrete cooperation with third countries in line with earlier mandates adopted by the Council. The effectiveness of the EU's readmission agreements need to be increased as part of the overall EU external policies. Concluding the negotiations on the EC readmission agreements with key countries of origin and transit such as Libya and Turkey is a priority; until then, already existing bilateral agreements should be adequately implemented.
39. The European Council urges the Council to take the above fully into account when preparing the new multi-annual framework programme in the area of Freedom, Justice and Security. The European Council invites the Commission to submit further proposals to the next meeting of the European Council, based on an appropriate response to these problems.

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