There are about 13,000 refugees and asylum seekers in Israel. The majority are from Eritrea and Sudan. They are primarily employed in the “Dirty, Dangerous, and Difficult” (3Ds) sectors. In general these jobs include cleaning streets, restaurants, hotels and private houses. They can also be found in construction jobs and in kitchens. The typical workday is about 13 hours long and the wages are typically based on the minimum wage with no overtime or any social benefits. The majority of complaints are due to non-payment. Employers and Labor contractors often take advantage of the desperate situation of the refugees, and employ them for weeks or even months with no intent of paying their wages. Non-payment of salaries has become a system with some employers. The workers are generally employed through a contractor and sent to their work places. Generally the people who hire the contractors do not follow through and verify that workers’ wages and benefits are indeed paid.
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