MAWG is the Migration and Asylum Working Group of the Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network (EMHRN) . It was set up in the frame of a project financed by the European Commission. You will find here information about migrants and refugees in the Euromed region as well as about EMHRN's activities in relation to the promotion of migrants' and reufgees' rights.
The protection of migrants and refugees is in the heart of the Human Rights debate. In a world plagued with wars, internal conflicts, financial hardships and natural disasters we have seen the number of migrants and refugees grow exponentially.
If we consider the restrictive migration policies led by many countries and the inadequate laws and protection tools implemented by several others, we can begin to understand the challenges faced my migrants and refugees to have access to protection and be able to exercise their rights.
In the last few years, the cooperation in the fields of migration and asylum has been increasingly important in the relations between the Euromed countries, yet with too little focus on the safeguarding of the human rights of migrants and refugees and almost no involvement of civil society actors in the debates. The Euro-Mediterranean Human Rights Network has thus set this theme as one of its priorities.
MAWG members:
Regular members (2009-2011)
- LDDH(Algeria - Algérie) : Ligue Algérienne pour la Défense des Droits de l'Homme, Kamel Daoud
- SNAPAP (Algeria - Algérie) : Syndicat National Autonome du Personnel de l'Administration Publique, Hassam Fouad
- RFA (Cyprus - Chypre): Rights and Freedoms Association, Mine Yucel
- KISA (Cyprus - Chypre) : Action for Equality, Support and Antiracism, Doros Polykarpou
- IHRS (Denmark - Danemark) : Iraqi Human Rights Studies, Ali Diwan
- DIHR (Denmark - Danemark) : Danish Institute for Human Rights, Mu'ayyad Mehyar
- TAPRI (Finland - Finlande): Tampere Peace Research Institute, Anitta Kynsilehto
- FTCR (France - France) : Fédération des Tunisiens Citoyens des deux Rives, Mohieddine Cherbib
- LDH (France - France) : Ligue des Droits de l'Homme, Catherine Teule
- EEDDA (Grrece - Grèce): The Greek Committee for International Democratic Solidarity, Marie Lavrendiadou
- CIR (Italia - Italie): Italian Council for Refugees, Christopher Hein
- PHRO (Lebanon - Liban) : Palestinian Human Rights Organization, Rola Badran
- ADFM (Morocco - Maroc): Association Democratique des Femmes du Maroc, Maria Ezzaouini
- AMDH (Morocco - Maroc): L’Association Marocaine des Droits Humains, Hamid Bouhaddouni
- ACSUR (Spain - Espagne): Associacion de Cooperation con el Sur, Alessia Angelini
- LLHR (Switzerland - Suisse): The Libyan League for Human Rights, Sliman Bouchuiguir
- CDDF (Syria - Syrie): Committees for the Defense of Democratic Freedoms and Human Rights, Alaa Eddine Bayasi
- NOHR (Syria - Syrie): National Organization for Human Rights, Salah Chamiya
- ATDF (Tunisia - Tunisie):Association Tunisienne des Femmes Démocrates, Hafidah Chekir
Ressource persons (2009-2011)
History :