News on migration and asylum from around the region - Nouvelles de la région sur les questions de migration et d'asile

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

[BELGIUM] Getting the Voice out: Two collective expulsions to Albania: one Frontex flight and one Belgian flight carrying ‘8 Albanian criminals’

30 January 2015

The Belgo-European deportation machine struck hard again this week. Europe has no frontiers whent it comes to racits policies and the hunt for immigrants.
Let’s remind in that context that Albania had introduced their application for membership to the European Union in 2009 but the status of official candidate was only recommended in October 2012. The reasons: “unstabilised democracy” and non-compliance with 12 points that the EU considered absolutely necessary. Among those, the judiciary and the fundamental rights; points for which (even) the EU considers that considerable efforts remain to be made. The same goes for the strand ‘Justice, freedom and security’. And if so says the EU… Would things have changed that radically in a few years?

FRONTEX: The flight took place on January 29th, coordinated and co-financed by the European Agency FRONTEX, deporting 50 people to Albania. 
This deportation is the result of a perfect collaboration between different Member States of the EU, since they embarked 22 men arrested in France, 18 people after a raid in Germany, notably 3 women and 9 children, and 8 men imprisoned in Belgium and in Denmark.