News on migration and asylum from around the region - Nouvelles de la région sur les questions de migration et d'asile

Wednesday, February 04, 2015

[CYPRUS] KISA: URGENT call for help to the Syrian and Palestinian refugees of Kokkinotrimithia camp!

3 February 2015

WE URGENTLY call for anyone that can host the Syrian and Palestinian refugees or offer them a shelter for the night. The refugees, including a lot of children, are left alone in the middle of the streets with just a trash-bag containing their belongings.
After being informed by the ‘rescued’ Syrian and Palestinian refugees of the Kokkinotrimithia refugee camp in Cyprus, the camp has today 3rd of February officially closed down. Upon decision of the government, which pressured the remaining, around 100 refugees, since they still haven’t applied for asylum or refugee status,  to accept an amount of 500 euros each and promised them to have a “Temporary Tourist visa” issued in the following days.
The refugees accepted the money but in the meantime, since the authorities closed down the camp, they were transferred by bus and abandoned in the central Eleftheria square of Nicosia. The refugees, carrying all their belongings in plastic trash-bags are still there or spread around the city with nowhere to go!
Please help and spread the news!
KISA Steering Committee