News on migration and asylum from around the region - Nouvelles de la région sur les questions de migration et d'asile

Tuesday, February 25, 2014

[Hong Kong]: Time World - Beaten and Exploited, Indonesian Maids Are Hong Kong’s ‘Modern-Day Slaves’

Photo from the article: A foreign domestic helper
holds a placard as she takes part in a May Day rally
in Hong Kong on May 1, 2013.

Foreign maids have been a ubiquitous feature of Hong Kong life since the 1970s, when the city’s economy began to boom. Local women entered the labor force on a large scale and hired domestic workers from the Philippines, and subsequently Indonesia and Thailand, to keep households running.
After decades of toiling away in the anonymous confines of Hong Kong’s high-rise homes, domestic helpers, now numbering around 300,000, are making their voices heard more effectively, campaigning for better working conditions, higher wages and entitlement to permanent residency.

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