News on migration and asylum from around the region - Nouvelles de la région sur les questions de migration et d'asile

Monday, January 20, 2014

[Israel/Africa]: The united African asylum seeker community in Israel - Unhcr: Protect rights of African asylum seekers in Israel

UNHCR- Protect rights of African asylum seekers in Israel
Picture from the petition

We write to you as the united African asylum seeker community in Israel. We are over 50,000 people, mostly from Eritrea and Sudan. 

While most of the world recognizes us as refugees – the State of Israel does not. Instead, it has chosen a policy of imprisonment, deportation and incitement against us.

Next week, over a thousand asylum seekers in Israel will be sent to Holot “open” prison in the remote Negev desert. Many of them are fathers and husbands. Israel's Immigration authorities make daily arbitrary arrests while the Ministry of Interior obstructs renewal of short term visas.