News on migration and asylum from around the region - Nouvelles de la région sur les questions de migration et d'asile

Monday, June 29, 2009

[EU] ECRE: Memorandum to the Swedish Presidency

Sweden will take over the Presidency of the European Union (EU) at a pivotal time in the development of European refugee law and policy. We are now ten years on from the Council Meeting in Tampere in 1999, where Heads of State and Government set themselves the objective of developing a Common European Asylum System (CEAS) by 2010. With a new 5-year programme due to be introduced during the Swedish Presidency, the Stockholm Programme provides the EU with the opportunity to build a fair and efficient common asylum system, which could serve as a model to other regions of the world.

ECRE urges Sweden to take a rights-respecting approach during its Presidency, to seek to uphold Europe's longstanding human rights tradition, and to play a leading role in promoting fair and humane European policies towards asylum seekers and refugees.

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