News on migration and asylum from around the region - Nouvelles de la région sur les questions de migration et d'asile

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

[Lebanon/Refugees from Syria] The Guardian - Syrian children forced to work on streets of Beirut face severe exploitation

16 February 2015

Report sheds light on scale of exploitation faced by Syrian refugee children in Lebanon, with tens of thousands forced to sleep rough and thousands more prey to abuse.

The 12-year-old boy, who calls himself Mohamed, stared out of the shelter’s window, his words as sparse as his frame, and his eyes melancholy as he described the beatings.
A hammer was the weapon of choice of his former boss at the car repair shop, where he worked 14-hour days after first arriving in Lebanon two years ago from neighbouring Aleppo, to help provide for his family of 10.
“I don’t get tired,” he said defiantly when asked how he endured the long hours, which earned him just $100 (£65) a month, a chunk of which was sometimes taken by a co-worker who beat him.
Mohamed is now in a shelter school in Beirut that doubles as a vocational training centre for Syrian and Lebanese children often forced by circumstance into the harsh and exploitative world of child labour.
Read more.